
One of the best things that Fallout 4 Far Harbor did was expand the variety of quests that were offered in the game. Many felt that Fallout 4 lacked a lot of the richer quests that previous games had, with most boiling down to travelling somewhere and killing everything you saw. However, one of these unique missions is causing a bit of controversy, with some having a lot of trouble figuring it out.
Fallout 4 is full of different ways to kill your enemies. One of these is the ability to call on your allies to swing in and help out if you’re in a bind. While getting a Vertibird full of Brotherhood Knights to come to your aid is cool, sometimes you just want to blow some stuff up. For that Fallout 4 provides you with artillery, but it’s tricky to unlock, build, and use.
Black Titanium is only found in deposits and mineral veins in Fallout 76.  This is an extremely rare item that will be needed to make higher level Power Armor mods in Fallout 76.  The good news is you’ll have some time to build up to the point where you’ll actually be able to make Power Armor and mods for it as you’ll need to wait until you reach Level 25.  Once you do get to Level 25 you’re going to need it as the Power Armor crafting abilities will become available after completing a quest that will earn you the blueprint to craft the Power Armor Station.
While Final Fantasy XIV has added numerous beast tribes for players to assist over the years, they are usually tailored to either combat or crafting classes. In patch 5.2, however, the new Qitari beast tribe needs assistance from gatherers. Oh yeah, time for my botanist to shine! The Qitari beast tribe is unlocked after completing some of the MSQ and a handful of side quests. In order to assist the Qitari beast tribe you will first need to complete the Bearing With It main scenario quest from the core Shadowbringers campaign (essentially the Rak’tika plot-line), and the Protectors of the Wood side quest.
Even though the final weeks of Chapter 3, Season 2 of Fortnite are rapidly approaching, there are still plenty of things that need to get done. Weekly Challenges are popping up, as you help The Seven in their quest to thwart the dastardly doings of the IO Forces. While you may have been subjected to being a trash person in the previous challenge, this gets you a bit more on track. You’ll need to find and collect different Signal Jammers that are spread out across the lands, and make sure that you’re ready to help The Seven, as we approach the final push to save the world of Fortnite.
Mihoyo has recently released their version 2.3 update for Genshin Impact, which includes a slew of new content and features include new story quests, new events, new enemies, and more. It also included a challenge domain, and along with a new set of artifacts to obtain. One of those new artifacts is called “Ocean-Hued Clam”, which has the power to turn a character’s ability to heal into raw physical damage, essentially turning any healing character into a sub-DPS machine.
Update 1.34 has arrived for Immortals Fenyx Rising and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. On PS4 the new update for the game shows up as 1.34, although if you have the PS5 version of the game it’s number 04.004.000. The new update should also now be available for PC, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One as well. If you have the PS4 version of the game, the new update for Immortals Fenyx Rising is around 2.
If you had asked me whether or not I believed Persona 4 Golden would ever escape the PS Vita I would have laughed at you. Not because I thought it was impossible, but I would have wagered we’d see Persona 5 ported to death long before Persona 4 was shown any love. Well, now you know why I’m not a better man, because Persona 4 Golden surprise launched on Steam a little under two weeks ago.
Pokémon GO launched over four years ago and the game has only gotten more complex since. Features have been added throughout the game’s lifespan, including the ability to take a snapshot. This feature lets you take pictures of your favorite characters in the real world, and are key to finishing up many of the Research tasks you get while playing. But without detailed instructions it can be tough to figure out how this works.