
New Pokémon Snap: Arbok Falls Asleep Guide


Arbok Falls Asleep request may end up confusing, similarly to many other tasks in New Pokémon Snap, due to a very specific requirement. At its core, it’s a very simple request that has you looking for a sleeping Arbok, and take a screenshot of it as you wake it up. The troublesome part of this challenge, is to actually find that sleeping Arbok. If you are not aware where to look, and how to actually look for it, it may take some time, so feel free to take a look below as we explain everything needed.

How to complete Arbok Falls Asleep request in New Pokémon Snap

In order to find Arbok, you need to jump in NEO-ONE and start a run in Founja Jungle (Night). Very early into the stage, around the same area where a Liepard can be seen on top of a big branch in the middle of the road, but elevated, there is an Arbok sleeping on top of a tree as well. Which means you need to constantly have your camera raised up high, in order to spot it.

If you throw some Fluffruits to it, it will of course start being frustrated and eventually you will literally throw it off the branch it was sleeping at. You need to capture that exact moment, where Arbok falls off and wakes up. Pretty easy task if you ask me, however, the tricky part of this whole process is that Arbok is not at that spot all the time. In fact, in order to be able to spawn it there, you need to set your Research Level at 1. It took me a while to figure this out, as not a lot of requests have you changing the Research Level up and down. In any case, just set it up to 1, and if not right away, an Arbok will eventually spawn to that tree. Come back to your camp with the picture you need in hand and complete the Arbok Falls Asleep request.

New Pokémon Snap is available on Nintendo Switch. For more related content about the game, make sure to check our guides right here.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2023-01-21