
Pokemon Go Guide: What to do with Extra Pokemon


Pokemon Go is all about finding and catching Pokemon. Sure, you can battle gyms and do all sorts of other stuff, but tracking down and catching Pokemon is what it is all about. However, due to the varying rarity of all of the different types of Pokemon, you’ll always end up with a lot of extra Pokemon. So we’re here to tell you what to do with extra Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

We’ve actually broken this down in a few of our other guides, but we’ll combine them all here, with links in case you want to explore any particular topic in more detail. So, assuming you’ve been playing Pokemon Go for a while, you’ve probably already filled up your backpack with Pidgeys, Rattatas, Weedles, and other almost useless Pokemon. But they actually aren’t useless at all, you just need to know what to do with extra Pokemon.

You can, if they are strong enough already, evolve them or power them up. This will make them actually powerful Pokemon, taking a CP 100 Pidgey into something that’s at least semi-useful for taking and holding gyms. These aren’t really extra ones though, but make sure you figure out what Pokemon actually are extra, and don’t just waste them cause you don’t want to have extra Pidgeys hanging around.

Once you know what truly is an extra Pokemon, you need to learn what transfers do in Pokemon Go. You see, in order to power up and evolve your actually useful Pokemon, you need to know what candy is, and how to get it. To evolve your Pokemon you need candy, and to get candy you need to catch extra Pokemon of the type you want to evolve.

Once you have them you can transfer them to Professor Willow, gather enough candy, and use it to evolve. If you’re looking to level up fast you might want to store up a bunch of them and do it all at once. And that’s pretty much it, those are your options for what to do with extra Pokemon in Pokemon Go. You can’t delete them or get rid of them in any other way, so just transfer them and get the candy.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2023-04-17