
New Pokémon Snap: Flopping by the Water Guide


New Pokémon Snap has a great number of requests for the player to complete, with Flopping by the Water being one of the earliest you get. That said, it’s not an easy task to complete, as it is hard to actually figure out what you need to do. If it wasn’t obvious by our thumbnail and the request’s explanation, a Pidgeot and a Magikarp are the protagonists of our moment. Let’s take a look below to see what you need to do.

How to complete Flopping by the Water request in New Pokémon Snap

First, you need to have your Research Level at 3, in Florio Nature Park (Day). Only then the specific Pidgeot we mentioned will do exactly what it needs to. Then, wait until you reach the area with the Bidoof building a dam, which will be completed by now, and a Pidgeot will appear further down the road. It will then jump on the left side of the pathway, seemingly leaving. What you need to do, is to throw some Fluffruits in order to annoy it and it will start flying on the right side this time, until it lands on top of a tall tree.

On that right side, there will be a Magikarp splashing around as well. With the Pidgeot on top of that tree, you need to again throw some Fluffruits, but this time aiming at that Magikarp. After you hit it, it will jump really high. That’s when our flying friend will notice it, and after a couple of moments it will swoop down, catching that same Magikarp.

While the fish’s future seems quite grim, your task is to capture the moment where Pidgeot is flying away with Magikarp in its claws. It is the requested screenshot, so take the picture and complete the stage to complete the task as well.

New Pokémon Snap is available on Nintendo Switch. For more related content about the game, make sure to check our guides right here.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2023-05-22