
Full Grand Underground Pokémon List in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl


Pokémon that spawn in the Grand Underground Hideaways can be powerful additions to your team in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, often being species that can’t be found in the overworld and/or are exclusive to your game version. We’ve put together a full list of every Pokémon that appears in Grand Underground Hideaways in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as well as the requirements for them to spawn.

Spacious Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Zubat
  • Psyduck
  • Machop
  • Geodude
  • Murkrow (Brilliant Diamond Only)
  • Bidoof
  • Kricketot
  • Shinx
  • Budew
  • Pachirisu
  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Magnemite
  • Lickitung
  • Rhyhorn
  • Houndoom
  • Swablu
  • Absol

Strength Required

  • Golbat
  • Hoothoot
  • Bibarel
  • Chingling
  • Stunky (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Skuntank (Brilliant Diamond only)

Defog Required

  • Machoke
  • Graveler
  • Aipom
  • Wingull
  • Purugly (Shining Pearl only)
  • Munchlax

Icicle Badge Required

  • Pelipper
  • Luxio
  • Glameow (Shining Pearl only)

Waterfall Required

  • Mantyke

National Pokédex Required

  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Sandshrew (Shining Pearl only)
  • Sandslash (Shining Pearl only)
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Growlithe (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Vulpix (Shining Pearl only)
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Magnemite
  • Farfetch’d
  • Doduo
  • Krabby
  • Voltorb
  • Lickitung
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Tauros
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Natu
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl only)
  • Houndoom
  • Tyrogue
  • Miltank
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Zigzagoon
  • Skitty
  • Swablu
  • Corphish
  • Crawdaunt
  • Absol
  • Bagon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Shelgon (Shining Pearl only)

Grassland Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Zubat
  • Machop
  • Murkrow (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Cascoon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Roselia
  • Bidoof
  • Kricketot
  • Shinx
  • Budew
  • Combee
  • Cherubi
  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)
  • Absol

Strength Required

  • Golbat
  • Hoothoot
  • Bibarel
  • Stunky (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Skuntank (Brilliant Diamond only)

Defog Required

  • Machoke
  • Munchlax
  • Purugly (Shining Pearl only)

Icicle Badge Required

  • Luxio
  • Glameow (Shining Pearl only)

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorina
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Paras
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Farfetch’d
  • Doduo
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)
  • Tauros
  • Chikorita
  • Ledian
  • Ariados
  • Mareep
  • Flaaffy
  • Hoppip
  • Skiploom
  • Sunkern
  • Pineco
  • Shuckle
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl)
  • Tyrouge
  • Miltank
  • Treecko
  • Seedot (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nuzleaf (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lotad (Shining Pearl only)
  • Lombre (Shining Pearl only)
  • Nincada
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Vibrava
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Kecleon (Brilliant Diamond)
  • Tropius
  • Absol
  • Turtwig

Fountainspring Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Psyduck
  • Bidoof
  • Buizel
  • Shellos
  • Gastrodon

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Lickitung
  • Togepi
  • Ralts
  • Swablu

Strength Required

  • Hoothoot
  • Barboach
  • Bibarel

Defog Required

  • Wooper
  • Quagsire
  • Wingull

Icicle Badge Required

  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel
  • Pelipper
  • Gible

Waterfall Required

  • Octillery
  • Whiscash
  • Gabite
  • Mantyke

National Pokédex Required

  • Squirtle
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Farfetch’d
  • Seel (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Dewgong (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Shellder
  • Horsea
  • Staryu
  • Tauros
  • Dratini
  • Totodile
  • Ledian
  • Chinchou
  • Lanturn
  • Qwilfish
  • Corsola
  • Mudkip
  • Lotad (Shining Pearl only)
  • Lombre (shining Pearl only)
  • Surkskit
  • Carvanha
  • Corpish
  • Crawdaunt
  • Clamperl
  • Piplup

Grassland Caves Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Geodude
  • Onix
  • Skorupi

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Rhyhorn
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Bronzor

Defog Required

  • Graveler
  • Hippopotas

National Pokédex Required

  • Cubone (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Sandshrew (Shining Pearl only)
  • Sandslash (Shining Pearl only)
  • Cubone
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Tauros
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Shuckle
  • Phanpy
  • Larvitar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pupitar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Zigzagoon
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Trapinch
  • Vibrava
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Baltoy
  • Beldum

Volcanic Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Geodude
  • Onix
  • Skorupi

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Houndoom
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Ponyta

Defog Required

  • Graveler

National Pokédex Required

  • Charmander
  • Growlithe (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Vulpix (Shining Pearl only)
  • Cyndaquil
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Slugma
  • Magcargo
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)
  • Torchic
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Torkoal
  • Chimchar

Swampy Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Zubat
  • Roselia
  • Skorupi
  • Croagunk

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Lickitung
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Swinub

Strength Required

  • Golbat
  • Babroach

Defog Required

  • Wooper
  • Quagsire

Icicle Badge Required

  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel

Waterfall Required

  • Whiscash

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Paras
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Grimer
  • Weezing
  • Tangela
  • Ledian
  • Ariados
  • Pineco
  • Qwilfish
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Tropius
  • Tangrowth

Dazzling Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Gastly
  • Misdreavus (Shining Pearl only)

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Togepi
  • Houndoom
  • Smoochum
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Ralts
  • Duskull
  • Absol

Strength Required

  • Meditite
  • Chingling
  • Bronzor

Defog Required

  • Kadabra
  • Girafarig

Icicle Badge Required

  • Mr. Mime

National Pokédex Required

  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorina
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Grimer
  • Drowzee
  • Krabby
  • Voltorb
  • Cubone
  • Ditto
  • Togepi
  • Natu
  • Wobbuffet
  • Snubbull
  • Houndoom
  • Smoochum
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Ralts
  • Kirlia
  • Mawile (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Sableye (Shining Pearl only)
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Solrock (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lunatone (Shining Pearl only)
  • Baltoy
  • Banette
  • Duskull
  • Dusclops
  • Absol
  • Bagon (Shining Pearl)
  • Shelgon (Shining Pearl)

Whiteout Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Machop
  • Shinx
  • Pachirisu
  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Magnemite
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl only)
  • Swinub
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie

Strength Required

  • Meditite

Defog Required

  • Machoke
  • Munchlax

Icicle Badge Required

  • Mr. Mime
  • Sneasel
  • Luxio
  • Snover

National Pokédex Required

  • Magnemite
  • Seel (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Dewgong (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Tauros
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Mareep
  • Flaaffy
  • Swinub
  • Delibird
  • Tyrogue
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie
  • Spheal
  • Sealeo
  • Walrein
  • Beldum

Icy Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Magnemite
  • Swinub
  • Smoochum
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie

Strength Required

  • Bronzor

Icicle Badge Required

  • Mr. Mime
  • Sneasel
  • Snover

National Pokédex Required

  • Magnemite
  • Seel (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Dewgong (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Staryu
  • Tauros
  • Chinchou
  • Lanturn
  • Swinub
  • Delibird
  • Smoochum
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie
  • Spheal
  • Sealeo
  • Walrein
  • Beldum

Riverbank Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List

No Requirements

  • Psyduck
  • Murkrow (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Cascoon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Bidoof
  • Kricketot
  • Budew
  • Buizel
  • Buneary
  • Croagunk

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Lickitung
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Hoothoot
  • Barboach
  • Bibarel
  • Stunky (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Skuntank (Brilliant Diamond only)

Defog Required

  • Wingull
  • Purugly (Shining Pearl only)
  • Munchlax

Icicle Badge Required

  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel
  • Pelipper
  • Glameow (Shining Pearl only)
  • Gible

Waterfall Required

  • Octillery
  • Whiscash
  • Gabite
  • Mantyke

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Squirle
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Shellder
  • Cubone
  • Horsea
  • Staryu
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Diamond only)
  • Tauros
  • Chikorita
  • Totodile
  • Ledian
  • Qwilfish
  • Shuckle
  • Corsola
  • Tyrogue
  • Treecko
  • Mudkip
  • Seedot (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nuzleat (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lotad (Shining Pearl only)
  • Lombre (Shining Pearl only)
  • Surskit
  • Nincada
  • Carvanha
  • Solrock (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lunatone (Shining Pearl only)
  • Corphish
  • Crawdaunt
  • Kecleon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Clamperl
  • Turtwig
  • Piplup

Sandsear Cave Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Onix
  • Skorupi

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Rhydon
  • Houndoom
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Ponyta

Defog Required

  • Hippopotas

National Pokédex Required

  • Charmander
  • Sandshrew (Shining Pearl only)
  • Sandslash (Shining Pearl only)
  • Growlithe (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Vulpix (Shining Pearl only)
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Cyndaquil
  • Slugma
  • Magcargo
  • Houndoom
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)
  • Torchic
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Torkoal
  • Trapinch
  • Chimchar

Still-Water Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Psyduck
  • Murkrow (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Cascoon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Bidoof
  • Kricketot
  • Budew
  • Buizel
  • Buneary
  • Croagunk

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Lickitung
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Hoothoot
  • Barboach
  • Bibarel
  • Stunky (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Skuntank (Brilliant Diamond only)

Defog Required

  • Wingull
  • Purugly (Shining Pearl only)
  • Munchlax

Icicle Badge Required

  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel
  • Pelipper
  • Glameow (Shining Pearl only)
  • Gible

Waterfall Required

  • Octillery
  • Whiscash
  • Gabite
  • Mantyke

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Squirle
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Shellder
  • Cubone
  • Horsea
  • Staryu
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Diamond only)
  • Tauros
  • Chikorita
  • Totodile
  • Ledian
  • Qwilfish
  • Shuckle
  • Corsola
  • Tyrogue
  • Treecko
  • Mudkip
  • Seedot (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nuzleat (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lotad (Shining Pearl only)
  • Lombre (Shining Pearl only)
  • Surskit
  • Nincada
  • Carvanha
  • Solrock (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lunatone (Shining Pearl only)
  • Corphish
  • Crawdaunt
  • Kecleon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Clamperl
  • Turtwig
  • Piplup

Sunlit Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Zubat
  • Machop
  • Murkrow (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Cascoon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Roselia
  • Bidoof
  • Kricketot
  • Shinx
  • Budew
  • Combee
  • Cherubi
  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawn)

  • Rhyhorn
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Golbat
  • Hoothoot
  • Bibarel
  • Stunky (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Skuntank (Brilliant Diamond only)

Defog Required

  • Machoke
  • Purugly (Shining Pearl only)
  • Munchlax

Icicle Badge Required

  • Luxio
  • Glameow (Shining Pearl)

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorina
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Paras
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Farfetch’d
  • Doduo
  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)
  • Tauros
  • Chikorita
  • Ledian
  • Ariados
  • Mareep
  • Flaaffy
  • Hoppip
  • Skiploom
  • Sunkern
  • Pineco
  • Shuckle
  • Teddiursa (Shining Pearl)
  • Tyrouge
  • Miltank
  • Treecko
  • Seedot (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nuzleaf (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lotad (Shining Pearl only)
  • Lombre (Shining Pearl only)
  • Nincada
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Vibrava
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Kecleon (Brilliant Diamond)
  • Tropius
  • Absol
  • Turtwig

Big Bluff Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List

No Requirements

  • Geodude
  • Onix
  • Skorupi

No Requirements (Rare Spawns)

  • Scyther (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pinsir (Shining Pearl only)
  • Absol

Strength Required

  • Bronzor

Defog Required

  • Graveler
  • Hippopotas

National Pokédex Required

  • Sandshrew (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Sandslash (Shining Pearl only)
  • Cubone
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Tauros
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamon0 only)
  • Shuckle
  • Phanpy
  • Larvitar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Pupitar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Zigzagoon
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Trapinch
  • Vibrava
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Baltoy
  • Beldum

Stargleam Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List

No Requirements

  • Gastly
  • Misdreavus (Shining Pearl)

No Requirements (Rare Spawns)

  • Togepi
  • Houndoom
  • Smoochum
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Ralts
  • Duskull
  • Absol

Strength Required

  • Meditite
  • Chingling
  • Bronzor

Defog Required

  • Kadabra
  • Girafarig

Icicle Badge Required

  • Mr. Mime

National Pokédex Required

  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorina
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Slowpoke (Shining Pearl only)
  • Grimer
  • Drowzee
  • Krabby
  • Voltorb
  • Cubone
  • Ditto
  • Togepi
  • Natu
  • Wobbuffet
  • Snubbull
  • Houndoom
  • Smoochum
  • Elekid (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Ralts
  • Kirlia
  • Mawile (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Sableye (Shining Pearl only)
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Solrock (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Lunatone (Shining Pearl only)
  • Baltoy
  • Banette
  • Duskull
  • Dusclops
  • Absol
  • Bagon (Shining Pearl only)
  • Shelgon (Shining Pearl only)

Glacial Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List

No Requirements

  • Buneary

No Requirements (Rare Spawns)

  • Magnemite
  • Teddiursa (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Swinub
  • Smoochum
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie

Icicle Badge Required

  • Mr. Mime
  • Sneasel
  • Snover

National Pokédex Required

  • Magnemite
  • Seel (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Dewgong (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Staryu
  • Tauros
  • Chinchou
  • Lanturn
  • Swinub
  • Delibird
  • Smoochum
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Swablu
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie
  • Spheal
  • Sealo
  • Walrein
  • Beldum

Bogsunk Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List

No Requirements

  • Zubat
  • Roselia
  • Skorupi
  • Croagunk

No Requirements (Rare Spawns)

  • Lickitung
  • Gligar (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Swinub

Strength Required

  • Golbat
  • Barboach

Defog Required

  • Wooper
  • Quagsire

Icicle Badge Required

  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel

Waterfall Required

  • Whiscash

National Pokédex Required

  • Bulbasaur
  • Caterpie (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Weedle (Shining Pearl only)
  • Ekans (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Nidoran F
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoran M
  • Nidorino
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Paras
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Grimer
  • Weezing
  • Tangela
  • Ledian
  • Ariados
  • Pineco
  • Qwilfish
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Zangoose (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Seviper (Shining Pearl only)
  • Tropius
  • Tangrowth

Typhlo Cavern Grand Underground Pokémon List  – Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

No Requirements

  • Geodude
  • Onix
  • Skorupi

No Requirements (Rare Spawns)

  • Rhyhorn
  • Houndoom
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)

Strength Required

  • Ponyta

Defog Required

  • Graveler

National Pokédex Required

  • Charmander
  • Growlithe (Brilliant Diamond only)
  • Vulpix (Shining Pearl only)
  • Cyndaquil
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Slugma
  • Magcargo
  • Magby (Shining Pearl only)
  • Torchic
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Torkoal
  • Chimchar

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are available now for Nintendo Switch.


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2022-10-07